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  • The round room Mansion house Dublin 2 Ireland (map)

Join Us at SHIP IT CON 2024 Dublin

Matthew will be talking at SHIPITCON 2024 in Dublin on the topic of “DevOps Topologies, 10 years on”.

Matthew will talk about what he has learned working within the industry over the last 10 years and since the publication of the book he Co-Authored with Manuel Pais, “Team Topologies” covering topics such as:

  • What key metrics should we be using and why

  • The importance of decoupling

  • Useful techniques to use

  • What other companies have acheived through their adoption of these tools and techniques


We are thrilled to announce that Conflux will be a Gold Sponsor at SHIPITCON 2024! This annual, community-driven, not-for-profit conference about Software Delivery, held in Dublin, provides an exceptional opportunity to engage with a vibrant community of professionals, enthusiasts, and innovators.

18 July

Sneak Peek: Efficient Organizations via Fast Flow

4 September

Expert masterclass for leaders