10-in-10 walk completed to raise funds for local charity

Members of the Conflux team at the start of the walk

On Friday 7 June 2024 members of the Conflux team - alongside Bruntwood and a number of other local companies - completed the 10 in 10 walk to raise money for local charity, Zest.

Zest offers support and opportunity to people facing disadvantage in Leeds. Working alongside residents, they provide people-led projects that connect residents and focus on hope and happiness.

Did you know that?

  • 1 in 5 people in Leeds live in a deprived area

  • People from deprived areas live an average 12 years less than those in more affluent areas of Leeds

  • An estimated 37,000 people live in social isolation in Leeds

The life expectancy for people living near the start of the walk (at Harewood) and those living near the end of the walk (in central Leeds) is around 10 years - hence “10 in 10” (10 years difference in life expectancy in 10 miles).

The walk was focussed on raising awareness and funds for the charity to be able to continue the amazing work that they do within the community with activities such as:

  • Developing cooking skills

  • Social running clubs

  • Men's pie club

  • Bike group

All these activities focus on improving health and wellbeing through group activities and education.

Matthew Skelton, Founder of Conflux said:

“I was born in Bradford, a city (like Leeds) with significant deprivation. I grew up alongside many people whose life outlooks were not promising, and I have always cared deeply about addressing the injustices around such inequality. It was important to me to take part in the 10 in 10 walk to raise money and awareness for Zest to try to nudge things towards a fairer society.”

The walk has raised £1375 so far.

We encourage you to make a donation at https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/10-in-10-2024